Monday 2 April 2012

Milk My Heavy Rod

Bickle bockle, bickle bockle.

Sticky, you're so sticky. Sticky stick stick stoo.
Bicky, bocky, micky mocky, sponky donkey.

Whistle up her snatch. Whistle up her snatch.
She could be quite a catch
If she lets you whistle up her snatch.

Loopy. You're so loopy.
Even when you are covered in some gloopy.
You always ask me to watch you having poopy.
And you like your tea all soupy.
Oop oop dee doopy.

Introducing the man who has legs for arms. Watch him stand up twice.

I always thought it was just a huge genital wart.

When you make your stew
be sure to put in some poo
dish it up in bowls made of glue
and call your dinner guests Sue.

Apparently Chinese woman have identical vaginas to most white women.

The scene where Tin Tin sticks his hand up Captain Haddock's arse and rips out his intestines was cut from the final print.

Women priests should't be allowed because God was a misogynist.

There's this frog; it's a mighty frog. It can burrow its way into your eyes and eat your brains.
You can only find it in Sacramento. If you touch its skin you can feel your body change as you turn into a big puddle of female ejaculate.

There I was, naked with Daniel Radcliffe, standing on a beach in Rugby and all he was interested in was how often I masturbated.

You die on Wednesday you cocksucking transvestite paedophile.

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